Hoi4 realistic nukes mod
Hoi4 realistic nukes mod

hoi4 realistic nukes mod hoi4 realistic nukes mod

So that is a fatality rate of 26-46%, depending on whose fatality estimates you go with. The bombing of Hiroshima killed between 90,000 and 160,000 people in a city of 345,000 or so. So that means that it killed no more than 2% of the total population of the city, and no more than 7% of the people who lived in the targeted areas. In the areas targeted, there were 1.5 million people living. But the city of Tokyo had some 5 million people living in it. The firebombing of Tokyo did, indeed, kill the most people of any air raid in history - from 80,000 to over 100,000 dead in a single raid. "he equivalence argument also misses some important differences in how deadly the atomic bombs were. Nuclear bombs were magnitudes more destructive than conventional weapons:

Hoi4 realistic nukes mod